Les Publications du Québec
Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale

Complementary Agreements

The unconsolidated version of the James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement comprises the Agreement signed on November 11, 1975 and, as provided in section 1 of the Act approving the Agreement concerning James Bay and Northern Québec (R.S.Q., c. C-67), the corrections signed on December 12, 1975.

The corrections are therefore not an amendment; they are part and parcel of the original version of the JBNQA.

See notes below.

  Complementary Agreements No. 1 to 27   
  Complementary Agreement No. 1
  Complementary Agreement No. 2
  Complementary Agreement No. 3
  Complementary Agreement No. 4
  Complementary Agreement No. 5
  Complementary Agreement No. 6
  Complementary Agreement No. 7
  Complementary Agreement No. 8
  Complementary Agreement No. 9
  Complementary Agreement No. 10
  Complementary Agreement No. 11
  Complementary Agreement No. 12
  Complementary Agreement No. 13
  Complementary Agreement No. 14
  Complementary Agreement No. 15
  Complementary Agreement No. 16
  Complementary Agreement No. 17
  Complementary Agreement No. 18
  Complementary Agreement No. 19
  Complementary Agreement No. 20
  Complementary Agreement No. 21
  Complementary Agreement No. 22  
  Complementary Agreement No. 23
  Complementary Agreement No. 24
  Complementary Agreement No. 25
  Complementary Agreement No. 26
  Complementary Agreement No. 27

Complementary Agreements

An "Amendment integrated" reference indicates that the required amendment has been integrated into the James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement, either as text added, replaced or struck out.

Shaded text refers to text that has been added to the consolidated James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement.

The provisions of complementary agreements that were unable to be integrated are found in the respective complementary agreements.