Les Publications du Québec
Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale

Consolidated Agreement

See notes below.

  All Sections   
Section   1  Definitions  
Section   2  Principal Provisions
Section   3  Eligibility  
Section  3A  Eligibility – Inuit
Section   4  Preliminary Territorial Descriptions  
Section   5  Land Regime
Section   6  Land Selection – Inuit of Québec   
Section   7  Land Regime applicable to the Inuit
Section   8  Technical Aspects
Section   9  Local Government over Category IA Lands  
Section  10  Cree Local Government (Category IB)
Section  11  Cree Governance on Category II Lands
Section 11A  Cree Regional Authority
Section 11B  James Bay Regional Zone Council
Section  12  Local Government North of the 55th Parallel
Section  13  Regional Government North of the 55th Parallel
Section  14  Cree Health and Social Services  
Section  15  Health and Social Services – Inuit
Section  16  Cree Education  
Section  17  Education – Inuit
Section  18  Administration of Justice – Crees
Section  19  Police – Crees  
Section  20  Administration of Justice – Inuit
Section  21  Police – Inuit
Section  22  Environment and Future Development Below the 55th Parallel  
Section  23  Environment and Future Development North of the 55th Parallel
Section  24  Hunting, Fishing and Trapping
Section  25  Compensation and Taxation
Section  26  Cree Legal Entities
Section  27  Inuit Legal Entities
Section  28  Economic and Social Development – Crees
Section  29  Economic and Social Development – Inuit
Section  30  Income Security Program for Cree Hunters and Trappers
Section 30A  Forestry Regime
  Agreement on correction *
  Plan 1 Agreement Territory
  Plan 1.1 Poste-de-la-Baleine
  Plan 2 Killiniq
  Plan 3 Kangiqsualujjuaq
  Plan 4 Kuujjuaq
  Plan 5 Tasiujaq
  Plan 6A Aupaluk
  Plan 6B Aupaluk
  Plan 7 Kangiqsuk
  Plan 8 Quaqtaq
  Plan 9 Kangiqsujuaq
  Plan 10 Salluit
  Plan 11 Akulivik
  Plan 12 Inukjuak
  Plan 13.1 Plan showing the selection of Category I lands of Ivujivik
  Plan 13.2 Plan showing the selection of Category II lands of Ivujivik
  Plan 13A Umiujaq and Kuujjuarapik
  Plan 13B Category II lands
  Plan 14 Port-Nouveau-Québec (George River)
  Plan 15 Identification of major rivers   
  Plan 16 Ivujivik (detail)   ---  deleted  
  Plan 17 Povungnituk (detail)
  Plan 18 Portion of clearwater lake to be excluded from Category II
  Plan 19 Parc national des Pingualuit
  Plan 20 Plate 1 - LG 1 (1986) Project - Agencement général des ouvrages
  Plan 21 Plate 2 - LG 1 (1986) Project - Coupe transversale
  Plan 22 Plate 3 - LG 2A Project - Agencement général des ouvrages
  Plan 23 Plate 4 - LG 2A Project - Coupe longitudinale
  Plan 24 Plate 5 - Brisay Project - La Grande Rivière - Plan de situation
  Plan 25 Plate 6 - Brisay Project - Agencement général
  Plan 26 Plate 7 - Brisay Project - Coupe transversale
  Plan 27 Plate 8 - Brisay Project - Ligne de transport
  Plan 28 Plate 9 - Agencement général - Poste de Radisson
  Plan 29 Plate 1 - Plan de situation LA 1
  Plan 30 Plate 2 - Agencement de la centrale LA 1
  Plan 31 Plate 3 - Agencement du barrage LA 1
  Plan 32 Plate 4 - Plan de situation LA 2
  Plan 33 Plate 5 - Aménagement des ouvrages LA 2
  Plan 34 Plate 6 - Centrale et évacuateur LA 2
  Plan 35 Plate 7 - Plan de situation La Grande 2A - Radisson
  Plan 36 Plate 8 - Transmission line Lemoyne et Tilly
  Plan 37 Plate 9 - 12th 735-kV line - Plan de situation - partie nord
  Plan 38 Plate 9A - 12th 735-kV line - Plan de situation - partie sud
  Plan 39 Plate 10 - Condensateurs séries - Plan de situation
  Plan 40 Plate 1 - Complexe La Grande - General Area Map
  Plan 41 Plate 2 - Complexe La Grande - Map and Profiles
  Plan 42 Plate 3 - Complexe La Grande - Airports, Roads and Transmission Lines
  Plan 43 Plate 4 - LG 1 Area Map
  Plan 44 Plate 5 - LG 2 Area Map
  Plan 45 Plate 6 - LG 3 Area Map
  Plan 46 Plate 7 - LG 4 Area Map
  Plan 47 Plate 8 - Caniapiscau Area Map
  Plan 48 Plate 9 - Eastmain-Opinaca Area Map
  Plan 49 Plate 10 - LG 1 - Map of the Site
  Plan 50 Plate 11 - LG 1 - Powerplant - 10 Units
  Plan 51 Plate 12 - LG 2 - Map of the Site
  Plan 52 Plate 13 - LG 2 - Powerplant - 16 Units
  Plan 53 Plate 14 - LG 3 - Map of the Site
  Plan 54 Plate 15 - LG 3 - Powerplant - 10 Units
  Plan 55 Plate 16 - LG 4 - Map of the Site
  Plan 56 Plate 17 - LG 4 - Powerplant - 8 Units
  Plan 57 Déboisement - Réservoir Opinaca
  Plan 58 Plan et profil LG 1 - Révision 1
  Plan 59 Plan de localisation LG 1 - Révision 1
  Plan 60 Plan général LG 1 - Révision 1
  Plan 61 Centrale de 10 groupes - LG 1
  Plan 62 Beaver Preserves
  Plan 63 Zone sud et Zone tampon
  Plan 64 Secteur pour les Naskapis
  Plan 65 Zone d’usage prioritaire pour les Cris
  Plan 66 Zone-Caribou
  Plan 67 Far Harvesting Region of Chisasibi
  Plan 68 Far Harvesting Region of Eastmain
  Plan 69 Far Harvesting Region of Mistissini
  Plan 70 Far Harvesting Region of Nemaska
  Plan 71 Far Harvesting Region of Oujé-Bougoumou
  Plan 72 Far Harvesting Region of Waskaganish
  Plan 73 Far Harvesting Region of Waswanipi
  Plan 74 Far Harvesting Region of Wemindji
  Plan 75 Far Harvesting Region of Whapmagoostui
  Plan 76 Categories IA and IB lands of Oujé-Bougoumou 
  Plan 77 Categories II lands of Oujé-Bougoumou 
  As part of the text consolidation work, the Service de la refonte des lois et des règlements at the Ministère de la Justice made minor spelling or grammar-related corrections.
  The files appearing below provide a list of those corrections. Please note that the correction indications are in French only.
  Corrections à la version française de la Convention (French)
  Corrections à la version anglaise de la Convention (English)
  Corrections aux conventions complémentaires (French and English)


In the consolidated agreement, one or more references appear under certain sections or paragraphs. The first reference indicates the source of the text prior to any amendment; subsequent references indicate the source of each subsequent amendment.

Ex. 1: JBNQA, subs. 1.6          A. corr.          Compl. A. No. 1, sch.1, s. 1

Meaning: subsection 1.6 of the original Agreement, subsequently amended by the Corrective Agreement and by Complementary Agreement No. 1, Schedule 1, section 1.

Ex. 2:  Compl. A. No. 18, sch. 1, s. 21

Meaning:  new text added by Complementary Agreement No. 18, Schedule 1, section 21.

* Agreement on correction

The Agreement on correction made on 11 November 1975 by the Parties to the James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement corrects the original texts. It refers to the page, paragraph or line numbers in the original texts.